Important up date on your HomePoint application
IMPORTANT NOTICE – Due to a large increase in the number of applicants registering onto HomePoint unfortunately, this has increased the workload for the team.
once you have registered successfully, you should expect a 6 – 8 week wait to hear the outcome of your application. Please be assured that the team are working extremely hard to reduce this timescale.
To help enable the team to focus on processing the applications, rather than answer phone calls, we ask that you please be patient and not to contact the office for updates until this time period has passed. We apologise for any convenience this may cause.
Housing register and finding a home
Herefordshire Home Point is the choice based letting scheme set up in partnership between Herefordshire Council and the main housing associations who have properties available to let across Herefordshire. Home Point manages the councils housing register and advertises social and affordable housing for rent where eligible people can bid for properties. The aim of Herefordshire Home Point is to give you more choice in deciding where you want to live.
Please click on the tiles below to navigate around the site, to find out more information and get answers to frequently asked questions
We encourage digital applications for the housing register however if you need assistance in applying, please call 01432 261600 between the hours of 10am – 4pm
Homelessness Support and Housing Advice
Advice and guidance on finding housing and dealing with homeless
Update finish/renew your application
It is important that you keep your details up to date.

Please click “more info” below for details of the Herefordshire Home Point partners, links to their websites and letting policies
More info